

Update November 09, 2021

This Project is no longer maintained here.  This project’s work has been moved to the W3C and has been taken up in a Community Group.  For more information please visit the new Accessibility Discoverability Vocabulary For Community Group.

Here is a link to the updated Crosswalk between metadata formats.

To review or report issues with the Accessibility Properties for Discoverability Vocabulary, please refer to the vocabulary’s GitHub issue tracker.

Original (Outdated)

Updated May 2019

Accessibility metadata for digital books is drawn from three main sources, which are cross-walked here.


The EPUB Accessibility 1.0 specification defines the following metadata terms, some of which are also defined in ONIX. Note that the conformsTo term used in EPUB is drawn from Dublin Core.

certifierReport List: 196; Code: 94: Compliance web page for detailed accessibility information or, if a publisher is self-certifying, Code: 96: Publisher’s web page for detailed accessibility information
link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="" List: 196; Code: 02: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.0 A
link rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="" List: 196; Code: 03: EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.0 AA and ONIX includes a large group of accessibility metadata properties which are referenced in the EPUB Accessibility 1.0 specification, some of which are also defined in ONIX: ONIX
accessibilityFeature (vocabulary list follows) List 196 (specific codes follow)
    alternativeText List: 196; Code: 14: Short alternative descriptions
    bookmarks N/A (Reading system feature)
    ChemML List: 196; Code: 18: Accessible chem content
    index List: 196; Code: 12: Index navigation
    longDescription List: 196; Code: 15: Full alternative descriptions; 16: Visualised data also available as non-graphical data
    MathML List: 196; Code: 17: Accessible math content
    printPageNumbers List: 196; Code: 19: Print-equivalent page numbering
    readingOrder List: 196; Code: 13: Reading order
    sychronizedAudioText List: 196; Code: 20: Synchronised pre-recorded audio
    tableOfContents List: 196; Code: 11: Table of contents navigation
    ttsMarkup List: 196; Code: 21: Text-to-speech hinting provided; 22: Language tagging provided
List: 196; Code 22: Language tagging provided – helps with TTS in multi-lingual content
List: 196; Code 24: Dyslexia readability
List: 196; Code 09: Inaccessible
List: 196; Code 10: No reading system accessibility options disabled
accessibilityHazard (vocabulary list follows)
accessibilityAPI (vocabulary list follows)
accessibilityControl (vocabulary list follows)
accessMode (vocabulary list follows)
    chartOnVisual List: 81; Code 19: Figures, Diagrams, Charts
    diagramOnVisual List: 81; Code 19: Figures, Diagrams, Charts
    textual List: 81; Code: 10 combined with List: 196; Code: 10 means all text is actual text. Note that List: 81; Code: 10 on its own (without List: 196; Code: 10) admits the possibility that the ‘text’ is inaccessible because it is an image of text.
    visual List: 81; Code: 07: Still images / graphics or Code: 18: Photographs or Code: 19: Figures, diagrams, charts, graphs or Code: 12: Maps and/or other cartographic content
accessModeSufficient (vocabulary list follows) ONIX crosswalks are for instances where accessModeSufficient includes this vocabulary entry alone; combinations may occur but are more difficult to crosswalk
    auditory List: 81; Code:01
    textual List: 81; Code: 10 combined with List: 196; Code: 10 means all text is actual text. Note that List: 81; Code: 10 on its own (without List: 196; Code: 10) admits the possibility that the ‘text’ is inaccessible because it is an image of text.
accessibilitySummary List: 196; Code: 00: Accessibility Summary
    Human-readable text If present, include information from List: 196; Codes 95, 96, 98, and 99 (links for further information about accessibility)

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