Introduction to Euclidean geometry
Lines, Line Segments, and Rays Difference between lines, line segments, and rays
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- What I want to do in this video is think about the difference between a line segment (a line segment)
- a line (a line), and a ray (and a ray). And this is kind of the pure geometrical versions of these, of
- these, things. And so a line segment is actually probably what most of us associate with a line in our
- everyday lives. So a line segment is something just like that (for a lack of a better word) a straight
- line, but why we call it a segment is that it actually has a starting and a stopping point. So most of
- the lines we experience in our everyday reality are actually line segments when we think of it from a
- pure geometrical point of view. And i know i drew a little bit of a curve here, but this is supposed
- to be completely straight. But this is a line segment. The segment, the segment is based on the fact
- that it has an ending point and a starting point, or a starting point and an ending point. A line if
- you're thinking about it in the pure geometric sense of a line, is, essentially, it does not stop. It
- doesn't have a starting point and an ending point. It keeps going on forever in both directions so a
- line would look like this (a line, would look like this) and to show that it keeps on going on forever in
- that direction right over there we draw this arrow, and to keep showing that it goes on forever in kind
- of the down left direction, we draw this arrow right over here. So obviously, y-you no I've never encountered
- something that just keeps on going straight forever (forever), but in math (thats the neat thing about math) we
- can think about these abstract notions and so the mathematical purest geometric sense of a line is the
- straight thing that goes on forever. Now a ray is something in between. A ray has a well defined starting
- point (so that's its starting point), but then it just keeps on going on forever. So then, so the ray
- might start over here, but then it just keeps on going (then it just keeps on going). So that right over
- there is a ray. Now that out of the way, let's actually try to do the Khan Academy module on recognizing
- the difference between line segments, lines and rays. And i think you'll find it pretty straight forward
- based on, on our little classification right over here. So let me get the module, let me get the module
- going. (let me, where did i put it? where did i put it? there you go!) Alright, so what is this thing
- right over here? Well it has two arrows on both ends, so it's implying that it goes on forever. So this
- is going to be a line. (lets check our answer.) Yeah! Its a line. (now it's taking some time, oh correct,
- next question) Alright now what about this thing? Wait once again arrows on both sides means that this
- thing is going to go on forever in both directions, so once again it is a line. Fair enough, lets do
- another one. Here, we have one arrow, so it goes on forever in this direction, but it has a well defined
- starting point. So it starts there and then goes on forever. And if you remember that's what a ray is.
- One staring point but goes on forever. So it goes, or more when you think about it, it goes on forever
- in only one direction. So that is a ray. So lets do another question. This right over here, you have
- a starting point and an ending point. Or u can call this the start point and the ending point but it
- doesn't go on forever in either direction. so this right over here, is a line segment. (there you go)
- So hopefully that, that gives you enough t-t-to work your way through this module. And you might notice that
- when i did this (when i did this) module right here, there is no video and that's exactly what this video
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would an infinite line and an infinite ray be equally long? That's my question.
Yes. It's a tricky concept because it feels like an infinitely long ray is only half as long as an infinitely long line. But technically, half of infinity is still infinity.
no, look at set theory as an example. if there is a set that extends infinitely to all the positive numbers, and then there is a set that extends infinitely in both directions, with negative numbers and positive numbers, they are not equal set, because even though both are infinite, you cannot match up each element os the positive set with each element of the negative set. In other words, for every centimeter of the ray, there would be twice as many centimeter of line, therefore the line is longer
The definition of something that is infinite, is that it never ends. As someone else said, half of something that is infinite is still infinite. Think of it this way: If you have something that never ends,no matter how many times you divide it, it will still go on forever. You cannot simply put it into "real life" examples relating to us here on Earth.
a line and a ray are different geometrical concepts but they both still have the attributes that they are indefinite. it may seem that an indefinite object would have the same length as another indefinite object, even if that other object (in this caes the ray) extends indefinitely from only one point. But here the question is whether they would be equally long. Length is a matter that measures only a fixed distance. we can describe a wall or a stick or a string as having a certain length. but… (more) an indefinite object does not have a fixed distance so it cannot have a certain length
They would, because only one side of a ray goes on to infinity, double infinity (which is what happens with a line) is still the same as normal infinity. So yes, a ray and a line going on forever would be the same length as each other.
I would say not because the line goes infinite in both directions and a ray would go in one direction,so if you then stop it the line will be longer.Hope this helped!:D
Quite an interesting discussion here. Are we are even measuring it in reality at all, or as solely a mathematical concept? In the real physical world, I would think it depends on if space itself is curved or flat. I don't think curved space could be infinite. But I'm not an astrophysicist, just offering my two cents.
@Stuart Wickard, you cannot compare infinity=infinity/2 TO 1=1/2, because as one is an actual or definite number, infinity is more of a concept or an estimate, and nobody knows what a half of it is. that's why infinity divided by two is still an infinite number(infinity)
It's like the theory of the universe being infinite. If you assume this to be true, and try to calculate the percentage of the space in the universe that we occupy, you couldn't really come up with any answer but 0. If the space is infinite, there is no "total" to use as a reference. In the same way, any two infinite lines are going to be of the same length, regardless of being a line or a ray. Neither has a terminating point for comparison.
A line is an entirely different concept as a ray. It cannot be answered fully no matter what you do, but if necessary, you should think about the following. The answer depends on whether you are using Euclidian or non-Euclidian geometry. It further depends on whether you are using practical or theoretical science. In Euclidian geometry, the ray would not meet its starting point from the other side like you would if you went around the world. Therefor, in practical science the line would be… (more) longer than the ray. However, since infinite means going on forever, the ray would go on forever and so would the line, they would be the same length in theoretical science! In non-Euclidian geometry, the ray would basically wrap around the universe like you might wrap around the world. Therefor, in that case it would meet itself from the other side, and so pass through the same points as the line would, so in practical science they would be the same length. But in theoretical science, the line would cover twice the universe's length by the time the ray would cover the universe's length once, so in theoretical science, the line would be longer. If you see this question on a math test, writing down that both are true or neither are true or even that it is impossible to answer would be good, but you should explain why too. Does this help?
I believe that you just blew my mind...
No because an infinite line is going to go forever in both directions and a infinite ray will go forever in only one direction.
I think that both the ray and the line are the same length. If you think about it, there doesn't necessarily need to be negative and positive numbers denoting every single point on the line and ray. That case would only be on a plane. If you have any more questions, please reply below. Hope this helps!
the line would be longer. as some one said ealier set theory.
if you were to count 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ....
and someone else counted 1 , 1.5 ,2, 2.5 ,3 , 3.5 ...
the second one would have more
if you were to count 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ....
and someone else counted 1 , 1.5 ,2, 2.5 ,3 , 3.5 ...
the second one would have more
Like nickspoon said, it doesn't matter if it is a ray or a line because infinity is the concept of things that never end. so basically, they would be the same never ending length.
no, because a ray only expands in one directions unlike a line which expands in both directions.
I guess no because a line doesn't have an end or starting point and a ray does so the line must be longer
Take a look at this video. It talks about infinities and BIGGER infinities.
It talks about how some infinities are larger than others. For example, their are infinities in diagonals of fractions. It's hard to explain. Just check out the video.
It talks about how some infinities are larger than others. For example, their are infinities in diagonals of fractions. It's hard to explain. Just check out the video.
well... it actually should not be equal because infinity is A NUMBER THAT HAS NO END. a ray goes on forever on one side and a line goes on forever on BOTH THE SIDES. so that is kind of tricky to understand and you must use your brain and think hard.
No because an infinite line is going on forever in two directions, but a infinite ray is going on forever in one direction
You have just entered the world of Calculus and Limits! What is greater....x^3 or x^9 as x approaches infinity?
An infinite ray is one half of an infinite line. So that means an infinite line isn't equal to an infinite ray.
Think of infinity as a way to express an ever-growing number. Even if you take half of that number away, it is still ever-growing. Therefore, a ray and a line are the same length.
Infinity and infinity = infinity no matter what.... so what Gabe said is right they cannot be diffrent lenghts even tho one starts and one is twice the size... (This part refers to a movie skip if you haven't seen it Unless you wanna under stand it better-->) Think of it as in transformers... That big cube... it was still the same power even when it was bigger or smaller, that is the same thing with infinity... (END OF MOVIE REFERENCE) As in the example Its the smaller or bigger thing such… (more) as ray and line that is equal. Even tho they are diffrent numbers that don't come out right... In infinity multiplication-addition-subtraction-devision with any number would still come out to infinity so infinity would never ever not be equal to itself.
Well actually the line would be longer,because some infinitys are bigger than others.
Ex.:parts of whole numbers such as 1/8 1/3 1/4 and many others.
Ex.:parts of whole numbers such as 1/8 1/3 1/4 and many others.
a ray extends in only 1 direction, but a line extends in both directions. So an infinite ray would be half of an infinite line because a ray is one direction, or half of a line
It's actually simple 1 DOES NOT = 1/2
1≠ 1/2
1≠ 1/2
Yes, Because if you think hard about it you will find out that they both keep on going forever and will never stop so they will always be the same
my guess is that the line would be longer, because while the ray would go infinite in one direction, the line would go infinite in both directions making the line longer. that is a really good question.
what would you use this for in real life?
if you deal with architecture or any type of designwork geometry even the basics like this are crucial
I would use this for education, knowledge, to become an engineer, and achieve the goals you have.
It will help you know more things, open new places you can go too, and is important.
Engineering would be big for example if your a railroad builder you must know all these things and there are many such examples
Geometry can be used for many things. First of all, you can use it in architecture, planning a city/building/park, engineering, and many other things. In daily life, you would have to use it. Shooting a bank shot (bouncing off the backboard) would be like trying to find an optimum position to get a good angle. Angles are part of geometry.
it will help you with other problems that do mater like addition helps with multiplication.
so you can be smart?
So then what is the point of infinite ray and infinite line?
A ray begins at a point and then continues on in one direction like the rays of the sun. An infinite line goes off in both directions. It has no beginning and no ending.... much like a highway has many points you can stop along the way but seems to continue on and on in both directions.
An infinite line has no start or nor end. a ray has a start, but goes on forever.
the main difference between the two is that a ray actually has a starting point, though it doesn't necessarily have an end point, whereas a line has neither a starting nor and end point
A ray is limited to one direction, and goes on infinitely in that certain direction. On the other hand, a line is not limited to anything concerning the directions on a 2-D plane. (You can only go left, right, up, and down on a 2-D plane). The point is very controversial. I would personally say that this is just pure geometry. It doesn't need to be practical. We do this just for the sake of understanding. For example, there isn't anything that actually goes on forever in any direction in real… (more) life. That is, unless it is light.
A line doesn't have a point but a ray has a starting point
a ray doesn't have a point,it has a thing that looks like this on the end: > . a line doesn't have a point too,only a line segment
What is the difference of a ray line segment and a line?
A line segment connects two points and stops at those two points.
A ray starts at a point and continues forever in one direction.
A line continues forever in both directions.
A ray starts at a point and continues forever in one direction.
A line continues forever in both directions.
A ray line segment is a line that has a darting point and a line segment (part of a line) in middle however a line has no points and goes on forever on both sides
A ray line segment has a starting point and goes on forever. A line segment has a starting point and an ending point. A line goes on forever on both directions.
Is the question: what do you get when you subtract a ray from a line?
Wouldn't that leave another ray?
But would you know the starting point of the result ray?
If you don't know the starting point of a ray, is it still a ray?
This is getting into set theory: rays and lines are infinite sets of points.
Wouldn't that leave another ray?
But would you know the starting point of the result ray?
If you don't know the starting point of a ray, is it still a ray?
This is getting into set theory: rays and lines are infinite sets of points.
A ray has one ending point, whereas a line continues forever.
basically, the difference lies in the start and end points.
a line segment has BOTH a starting point and an end point.
a ray has ONLY a starting point.
a line has NEITHER a starting nor an end point
a line segment has BOTH a starting point and an end point.
a ray has ONLY a starting point.
a line has NEITHER a starting nor an end point
At 2:54 if it didn't have the point would it be considered a ray?
Only if it had a clear starting point
what is the difference between a ray segment and a line?
A ray segment is when you have a defined starting and you go off in any direction and then have a defined stopping point.A line has no defined starting and no defined ending,so it goes on forever.I hope this helps!
A line does not end.A ray segment has a stopping point
A Ray goes on forever in one direction, a line goes on forever in both
Geometrical Line and Ray
Here is an illustration of the differences between a line and a ray. Read the notes in the documentation (in the left box) for an explanation of the program. I hope this helps.
What is a segment?
A segment(when talking about a line) is only part of a line. Like he said, a line goes on forever but a line segment doesn't. ♥
Have you watched the video? Let us know which part you didn't understand.
a line segment is a line that only extends in one direction
You mean a line segment a line segment is a line that has a starting point and an ending point.
A line segment is a line in which it has a starting point and an ending point.
look im not a girl! and i doin this for fun ! plus i am kurtzed1, and i ahead of my grade!!!!!
A segment is nothing but the part of a line.a line extends infinetly whereas a line segment ends at its end points & has finite length.
He explains it in this video:
Basically, a segment is a line with two endpoints. It doesn't go on forever like a line, and a segment can be part of an infinite line.
Basically, a segment is a line with two endpoints. It doesn't go on forever like a line, and a segment can be part of an infinite line.
this girl need 2 stop and go to her own grade
math41, hes asking if a ray is the same length as a line
A line segment is two points on a line on each side.
would an infinite line and an infinite ray be equally long?
No. A line will always be longer than a ray. A ray has a point that starts it. A line keeps going either way! :) hope this helps! :)
infinite means that it does not end witch means that you can not tellhow long it is
Is there any kind of palpable object on Earth that has the same properties as a ray?
These lines are abstractions since no object on earth is a line with an infinite length, however, perhaps if you shine a laser pointer (or perhaps a more powerful laser to get the point across) into the night sky, the light comes out like a ray since it has a finite start on one end and continues into the sky and into space and you can't see where it ends.
the rays of the sun. they start with the sun and go out forever.
That and tencly the ocen even though it ends at a outher country it's flow never stops and that's way water mould the mountins and canions and even hawai is still being moulded so that anser my qustion and yours! ;p
if a a ray is infinte but with a starting point does it never come back onto itself? essntialy then turning itself into a line?
A ray is straight, so it will never come back to itself. However, it is not a line. A line "expands" forever both directions ( <--------------> ), but a ray only "expands" in one direction ( •--------------> ). I hope this explanation helps.
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